Introducing the latest branded wave of technical advancement...

How do I know it's here?

  • Increase in new marketing jargon and buzzwords
  • New unfounded claims that X is a product you can just buy
  • Developers/Engineers resume titles morphing from Y to X

Why do others want it?

  • Like with other waves this will depend on how dependent your business is on technology
  • With each wave, you can unlock new capabilities for your teams and open up wider options for your business

Do I need it?

  • Not always
  • For some, digitising your companies needs is enough
  • For other companies, 'moving to' the cloud is enough

So what is Cloud Native?

Cloud Native Computing Foundation defines Cloud Native as follows...

Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach.

These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.

These key words mention technical concepts and attributes which are associated with a cloud native solution, but are not the solution in isolation. Instead they are tools or operational goals that can be used on the road to your solution.

The problems with 'moving to' Digital

are the same as the problems we have with 'moving to' the Cloud

When we 'moved to' Digital we simply digitised existing processes and products, we did not adapt and leverage digital advantages. For example, in the media world...

We used to:

  • Have a physical copy of a tape
  • Take the physical copy to a department's 'in' tray
  • When the department finished they move it to the 'out' tray
  • We deliver to the next department, etc

We could have:

  • Taken these files and stored them in a scalable data store
  • Put a simple service in front which can be adapted to the different needs of those accessing the files

We didn't because:

  • The non-technical challenges are generally bigger than the technical ones
  • We would have to change the people, processes, team structures, reporting structures, etc

The problems with 'moving to the Cloud'

also involved simply moving existing processes and not leveraging Cloud adavantages

Lifting and shifting existing apps from a private VM to a public VM

  • This meant your hardware issues became the cloud provider's hardware issues

Migrating to a SaaS offering such as Amazon Transcribe

  • This meant your hardware issues became the cloud provider's hardware issues AND...
  • ... Your service problems became the cloud provider's service problems

but...I still have problems

  • The sudden increase in speed of creating infrastructure and other benefits Cloud brought were easily noticeable BUT...
  • ... Now there is suddenly a new system that needs extra security considerations, new costs associated and adequate resources and commitments given to it

So what makes up 'Cloud Native'?

Deciding to embrace the advantages that cloud technologies bring

  • It's very unlikely you will succeed without this
  • This is a top-down decision, very difficult to effect change from the bottom up

Accepting all layers of your stack are open for business

  • This is not just an infrastructure challenge, this is an application, team and process challenge

Removing the fear of technical change

  • Instead of letting your technology dictate your plan, let your plan dictate the technology

Pivoting from static to dynamic solutions

  • Just because you're in the Cloud, it doesn't mean your solution is dynamic
  • We are no longer interested in treating servers like pets but instead as cattle which dynamically change

Understanding the value of the open-source ecosystem

  • Flexibility to bend technology to your requirements rather than compromise your solution for the technologies needs
  • Reducing the risk of being locked into an ecosystem which does not conform to your cloud native strategy

Supporting your business / team as it explores, adopts and adapts

  • This is not a 'one size fits all' - it is an experience unique to your company

So this is Cloud Native...

  • The next branded wave of technical advancement
  • Deciding your business will embrace the advantages that cloud and cloud aligned technologies bring
  • Removing the fear of technical change
  • Accepting all layers of your stack are open for business
  • Pivoting from static to dynamic solutions
  • Understanding the value of the open-source ecosystem
  • Supporting your business/team as it explores, adopts and adapts

Get in touch and see how we can help with your Cloud Native journey

You can speak to us directly or via our contact form

+44 (0) 20 3608 0110